
Among all the forms of charity, Annadhanam is considered as an act of highest virtue. The food impacts the life itself. Hunger is an impatient visitor who arrives unsolicited, at regular intervals of time and demands immediate satisfaction.
Hunger and life cannot co-exist. Hunger gnaws at the vitals, immobilizes and finally terminates the life. Not for nothing, hunger is termed a worst type of disease. Only food can remedy this dreaded disease. Annadhanam is a way of viewing the life as precious and aiding its survival. Sharing food is sharing life. That is the reason Annadhanam is even called jeevandhan. Feeding the hungry and deprived, offering food to the yatris (pilgrims), to the birds and animals come under the ambit of Annadhanam. It is a gesture of compassion towards fellow living beings.
Fill the stomach, the face lights up and mind is at peace.Share it with others, the joy multiplies.Among all the forms of charity, Annadhanam is considered as an act of highest virtue.Hoard it, the food itself perishes. Daily minimum 50 devotees are eating very tasty meals at 12.15 Noon.
Those who are willing to offer donation to contact the Executive Officer in the temple. Donation are eligible for deduction under section 80G of the IT Act.